For our March 2018 newsletter stewardship corner, we gathered some resources about 4R Nutrient Management.

You will find a simple definition on 4R Nutrient Stewardship. This initiative brings together the Fertilizer Institute (TFI), the International Plant Nutrition Institute(IPNI), the International Fertilizer Industry Association and the Canadian Fertilizer Institute (CFI) to advance the 4R nutrient stewardship initiative.
The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) defines 4Rs as a concept developed through a long history of cooperation between the fertilizer industry and the scientific community. Since at least 1988, application of the Right nutrient source or product at the Right rate, Right time and in the Right place has been closely associated with agricultural sustainability.

Alberta Agriculture & Forestry has a Nutrient Management Planning Guide designed for extension agents, agri-business service providers and producers who want to learn more about effective nutrient application and management in a series of pdfs on line. It is also available as an e-book on the same page.
Fertilizer Canada represents manufacturers, wholesale and retail distributors of nitrogen, phosphate, potash and sulphur fertilizers. It offers an eLearning Course to formalize your commitment online, verify your farm plan is consistent with 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles, and submit your acres to be counted as a part of Canada's commitment to sustainable agriculture.