We are excited to have folks out in the field for a full day of research discussion! Join us July 21 to see the latest advancements in agriculture being undertaken at Farming Smarter!
Our June 23 Field School was a huge hit and a welcoming return to the field. We hope you are as excited as us to see how our program is changing this year. Like the Field School, the Plot Hop will include rotating presentations to allow for more intimate sessions with the speakers.
Now, you'll have lots of opportunity to have your voice heard and your questions answered!
This year, we have several fantastic presentations lined up to give you the best sense of agriculture research being done in southern Alberta.
Alongside Farming Smarter's Mike Gretzinger, Ken Coles, and Gurbir Dhillon, Carlo Van Herk will be delivering his second presentation as a full-time staff member! He will be discussing our Strip Till Canola study, which will take place in the morning along with Gretzinger's Strip Till Corn presentation.
We will be joined by AAFC Lethbridge's Charles Geddes to discuss our latest contributions to the glyphosate-resistant kochia challenge. Geddes will be presenting just before lunch, along with Coles, who will present our project looking to maximize irrigated durum yield!

In the afternoon, Corteva's Doug Moisey will give a presentation on our deep seeded canola trials, which look at the sizes and seeding rates of seed canola. At the same time, Farming Smarter's Dr. Gurbir Dhillon will have updates for our new intercropping wide row corn trials!
If you are unfamiliar with Farming Smarter's Plot Hops or want to catch up on some presentations from previous years, check out our YouTube playlist for our 2019 Plot Hop event! Register for the 2022 Plot Hop today! We hope to see you there!