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Despite the relatively dry weather we've received in Southern Alberta this season, hail is still a prevalent occurrence.
Landowners or land managers that use Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) to protect riparian zones around water bodies can count on better water quality within the water body...
There are literally hordes of unpaid workers in your field. They are the quiet, unheralded beneficial insects that work tirelessly to control crop insect pests for you. If it wasn't for them, we would have poorer crops to harvest in the fall.
Farming Smarter employees got their hands dirty with their most recent foray into the world of soil as they began preparing for the Deep Banding of Immobile Nutrients project.
Since at least 1988, application of the Right nutrient source or product at the Right rate, Right time and in the Right place has been closely associated with agricultural sustainability.
Field scale research can offer big benefits when done effectively, but it can also be time consuming, require specific tools and demand attention at challenging times in the season. Also, sometimes it's hard to do research in isolation because you can't compare your results with anyone.
Farming Smarter has some new exciting projects such as the publicly funded Deep Banding of Immobile Nutrients with SARDA. The project objective is to find whether placing nutrients once every three years at 5 to 6 inches will provide better results than current practice of shallow placed nutrients at annual seeding.
Farming Smarter Conference & Trade Show 2017 had a whole new feel to it. Participants had elbow room, networking spaces close to the action or away from the crowd and the Trade Show stood on its own as a place to linger and learn.
Cam de Wolf spent Tuesday setting up the Monosem seeder to plant canola. He and Toby Mandel moved the seed row units to 20 inch spacing.